FAQ Videos Can a company in Administration still trade?Can a company in Administration still trade?You can watch more FAQ Videos from Portland below, or on our dedicated FAQ Videos page, or on the official Portland Business Recovery YouTube channel Can a company in Administration still trade?Yes, it can. With an Administrator in office, it may actually be in the best interest of a business to continue to trade. If a company ceases to trade, then very quickly, its customers may well go elsewhere, which will significantly impact upon the goodwill and the value of the business. With the Administrator in office they can ensure that the trading continues but at the same time, the suppliers, the employees, and everyone else is being paid as they should.Whilst this is happening, the business may be marketed to find a new buyer to take the ongoing business forward through a new company. So, trading in Administration can be very worthwhile, it can ensure that the value is protected, and can ensure that there’s a best outcome for all involved, the employees, the creditors, and all stakeholders.Find out more about our range of services. Call 01489 550 440 and ask for a free consultation so you can review your optionsCONTACT US TODAY